Write down a list of possible date ideas such as dinner at a certain restaurant, a visit to the Planetarium, a day at the zoo, etc. Go take photographs of the places or collect their brochures. You can even get images off their websites.

Once you have your photos and brochures all together, put items from each date idea in separate envelopes. If all the dates take about the same amount of time, pick up your date and tell them that each envelope is a different date. Once they chose an envelope, you will let them open it and the date will begin.

If the various dates would occur at different times of the day or require different kinds of dress, let your date pick out the envelope a few days or a week in advance so the proper arrangements can be made.

If the date goes well, tell him or her that you have other envelopes that need opening and you hope he or she might be interested in another date.
1. Stargaze.
Get familiar with the cosmos (check out this handy guide if you’re new to astronomy) and head outdoors to see who can spot the North Star and Big Dipper first. Many observatories, parks, and local colleges also offer public viewing nights with guided “star tours” and discussions.